Owner Captures The Moment A Letter Carrier Approaches His “Dangerous” Dog

Owner caught letter carrier with his dog (Video)

As a general rule, it’s widely assumed that a letter carrier and a dog are sworn enemies. Protective pooches don’t tend to relish the thought of a stranger encroaching on their turf day after day, making banging noises and posting envelopes through the door. But this video proves that letter carrier and canines can actually be the best of friends. The adorable footage was captured on camera by Michael Collins, who lives in Tauranga, New Zealand.

Michael Collins is the owner of Kyza, a 9-month-old German Shepherd, who’s looked down upon by many neighbours as a dangerous dog – no one would approach him except one letter carrier. To prove otherwise, he has circulated on the Internet a video of the special bond that his dog has with the local mail carrier. The video shows a letter carrier pulling up on his bike after spotting a big dog waiting patiently in the garden. Clearly unconcerned by the arrival of the stranger, the pooch immediately heads over to greet the letter carrier, jumping up affectionately as he’s showered with pats and strokes. After a couple of seconds, the two finish their greeting and part ways again.

Never judge a book by its cover

Unfortunately, neighbors fear Kyza because of his size… But from the video, an entirely different picture is presented revealing this dog’s gentle and loving nature! Never judge a book by its cover, just as you should not make hasty categorical judgments about particular breeds of dogs. “Everyday whether or not we have mail, this letter carrier always stops to see my dog,” said Collins. “He always gets over looked as a dangerous or unapproachable dog, maybe cause he’s big, I am not sure. He doesn’t bark at them or growl (maybe the odd couple times he barks at people but which dog doesn’t.) But this guy here always makes an effort to get off his bike to give him a hug and a pat!Watch the video, who says postal workers and dogs can’t be friends?

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