Heartwarming Moment – Students Surprise Teacher After Her Beloved Cat Passed Away

Students surprise teacher – Heartwarming moment (Video)

This compassionate group of teens is giving high schoolers a good name. Mrs. Andrews, a beloved teacher at Joshua High School in Texas, was heartbroken when her beloved pet cat passed away. Her beloved 16 y/o cat Blondie passed away right in her arms as she was on the way to the vet. The Joshua High School teacher was crushed. “I cried pretty much every period that next day at school,” she said.

Rachel Hanhart, a junior at Joshua High School, said that last week during College Statistics class, her teacher Tonya Andrews began to cry. After the students asked what was wrong, Hanhart recalled her teacher replied, “‘I’m sorry, my 16-year-old cat named Blondie died yesterday.'” So that’s when Hanhart along with Ashlei Mahan, Makayla Comer, and Sheridan Swindell decided to plan a surprise to cheer up Andrews. They knew exactly how to lift her spirits. They walked in her class with a bunch of flowers, homemade cupcakes…and two kittens!

The students walked in the class with a sweet surprise

“I was smiling so big by then because I could feel the love of the class,” said Andrews. “But then, Rachel walked in holding two precious kittens.” At first, the teacher thought that the kittens were brought just to play with. “Then she held them out to me and said they were mine…my heart can now experience happiness again.” The planning worked. When the students walked into their math class the following day, Andrews was moved to tears. They captured the moment in this heartwarming video.

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