She Taps On The Glass Of A Shark’s Aquarium And Gets A Big Scare

She gets a big scare (Video)

You know those signs next to the looking glass at zoos and aquariums that ask you not to tap or bang on the window because it might antagonize the animal that’s on the other side? Some people don’t follow those orders and annoy the creature who’s just minding its own business. The woman of this video was visiting the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. when she followed her laughing children into a room containing what she thought was shark tank.

She clearly wasn’t expecting this. Probably she wondered, What could happen if I tap this glass?” So she reached out and touched the screen replicating an aquarium glass window as a great white shark swam by. As she tapped the glass suddenly the beast lunges for her, causing it to crack and sending the woman flying. The unknown woman then realises the shark tank is actually a computer screen made to look like the panel of a tank. At this point, she laughs along with her much-amused family at what has happened to her.

Terrified by the shark

Speaking to her family she says: “Oh my God… that scared the c*** out of me.” It’s a good prank and a good lesson to learn. Don’t mess with an animal in a cage or tank, because, if you do, they might end up embarrassing you in front of all your friends. Watch the video, that scared me too!

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