Little Girl Falls Off Saddle – The Pony’s Reaction Is Priceless

The pony’s reaction is priceless(Video)

Horseback riding is always a challenge, and that’s what keeps us coming back, right? Horseback riding is full of unexpected events. You can be going along just fine at one moment, and then find yourself on the ground in the next moment. Some horses will do their best to keep you on their backs, while other horses will be more than happy to let you hit the ground.

Falls are never fun, but the best thing that you can do is to try to relax and roll into the fall. Never put your hands out to brace your fall, since it’s a good way to break a bone. Some riders even spend time learning how to fall, practicing maneuvers like the emergency dismount to hopefully make falls less damaging. This little girl was in for quite the surprise when her pony took a jump enthusiastically, and she found herself thrown up on his neck.

The pony knew just what to do

Luckily for her, the pony knew just what to do, coming to an instant halt and letting the girl slide gently down his neck to the ground. Now that’s the kind of pony you want to trust with a young rider! Either way, when you ride horses, you should be prepared for the fact that at some point, you’re going to fall off. Horse and Rider recommends that children wear appropriate safety gear to keep them protected in the saddle. Necessary gear includes boots or shoes with hard toes and with a heel to keep the rider’s foot from slipping through the stirrup. Watch the video, hopefully, she didn’t get hurt when she fell.

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