Jealous Dog Pulls His Own Puppy Off The Couch So He Can Snuggle Next To Owner

It’s my spot! (Video)

Sometimes, just like people, dogs can feel insecure. They need individual attention, lots of cuddling, and activities to keep them busy and to keep them from being bored. Sometimes, our pets just want us and they don’t want to share us with another pet or person. A jealous husky has been caught competing with his own son for their owner’s affection by dragging the pup away from him. Bullet, a three-year-old husky and a father of six puppies, became annoyed after seeing his pup snuggling next to their owner on the sofa at their home in Shanghai. 

Desperate for his owner’s attention, the adult husky then yanked the puppy off the couch before hopping on it to lie down beside his owner. The husky is then filmed taking his ‘rightful place’ beside his owner, looking satisfied and contented as his confused puppy lay discarded on the floor. Settling in his special spot, Bullet appears to assert possession as he places a paw on his owner’s hand. A recent study found that dogs tend to exhibit significantly more jealous behaviors – including snapping, getting between the owner and an object and pushing the owner – when owners display affectionate behaviors towards other dogs.

Even dogs get jealous!

The display of full-blown jealousy was captured by the owner’s partner and uploaded on social media, gathering a total of more than one million views. Net users were amused by the hilarious video – some even joked that the dog might have regretted having puppies. “It must have been thinking: Okay, you’re done. My turn to snuggle now,” another said. Watch the video, it’s a funny moment!

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