Woman Who Fed Chained Dog For Over A Year Decided To Steal It – Touching Moment

Touching Moment (Video)

Laura Seymour from Virginia was driving in her car when she noticed a large black and white dog chained to a tree and went closer to investigate. “I saw this little black and white figure behind the house. It was a dog and it was chained to the tree. There was no food in the bowl, she had dug a little hole in the mud and she slept there.” The dog was a young akita, chained to a tree in a backyard by her dog kennel. She had just a small space in which to walk from the tree and to her dog house. Akitas are large, strong dogs so Laura was a little apprehensive when she decided to go over and say hi, and despite the dog’s terrible living conditions, she was in good spirits.

Laura instantly bonded with the dog and stopped by three times a week to say hi and bring treats. The dog was overwhelmed with excitement every time, recognizing Laura’s car as she pulled up and jumping in anticipation. She called animal control to report the case, but was disappointed when they said that someone did live in the home and the current conditions were adequate. Under the law, as long as a dog has shelter and adequate food and water, animal control has no reason to remove it. This made Laura mad, and she knew she couldn’t give up on her. Laura desperately wanted to take her, but knew if she did, she could go to jail. “Even if I can’t have her, well I’m gonna go by and feed her cos I know hes gone…I stopped to feed her three times a week for an entire year.”

She desperately wanted to take her

After a year went by and summer approached, Laura was worried about the high heat. The fur of an akita is very thick and being outside in the hot sun of Virginia would be uncomfortable for her. She contacted animal control again to express her concerns and was elated when they said that they were forcing the owner to surrender the dog. When they asked her if she knew anyone who would be interested in taking her, Laura immediately stepped up to the plate. She took home her new friend, naming her Takia, and giving her the love and attention she needed. “As soon as I found out she was five I was like, that’s awesome, yay, I got so much time with her, but then again, I can’t believe she went through sleeping outside 24-7 and in the mud,” Seymour said. Watch the video, even in the face of the bad life she had previously had, Takia remained a happy and friendly dog, taking to her new home instantly.

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