Monkey Gets Revenge After Tourist Tries To Push It Into A Pond!

Monkey gets revenge (Video)

A tourist became a victim of instant karma when he tried to push a monkey into a pond for a laugh. The angry monkey got swift revenge on the cheeky tourist – by instantly attacking him. The unnamed tourist was left with scratches and scrapes all over his face and arms when the animal chased him down and got its own back in China. The video, filmed at the Xitian Temple in Dehua County, begins with a man wearing black jeans and a denim jacket approaching the unsuspecting monkey from behind. He certainly didn’t expect what happened next.

The monkey is sitting on a railing next to the water when the man gives it a rough shove as soon as he gets close enough. He sends the monkey flying over the edge but the monkey quickly gets back on its feet and chases the tourist around the compound. As the man turns to run from the monkey, one of his shoes falls off and he stumbles. Visitors can be heard laughing as the monkey chases the shocked man through the temple. He runs into an alleyway where he clearly thinks the monkey won’t give chase – but it does.

Sorry, that’s called karma

Although my personal favourite part of the video is when the monkey’s mate gets himself involved too. A group of other monkey’s rush to his aid – bursting into the building to attack the prankster. One temple employee said: “The monkeys scratched the tourist.” They added: “There were other people inside, and they helped drive the monkeys away.” The tourist later shared a photo of his bloodied hand and face, it does look quite bad, to be fair. But maybe this will serve as a lesson to him.  Watch the video, the angry monkey got swift revenge on the cheeky tourist!

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