Abandoned 130-Pound Dog Saint Bernard Finally Finds Forever Home – Priceless Reaction

Dog took his first steps into his first-ever house (Video)

Cosmo is a gentle giant and friendly dog who hasn’t had an easy life. He is a 2.5-year-old, 130-pound Saint Bernard, he was born to a breeder but for unknown reasons, the breeder decided to surrender Cosmo to the Hearts United for Animals shelter, in Nebraska. The staff noticed in his file that he was a breeder. The dog was confused but despite that, he was still very friendly with the shelter staff. He never get the love he deserved and a loving home to stay. The shelter shared Cosmo’s profile on a pet adoption site, and a woman named Jayne and her husband happened to come across it. They fell in love with the sweet dog and decided they wanted to adopt him.

On the way, his mom was nervous that she and Cosmo wouldn’t get along, but they bonded instantly! Everyone at the shelter was sad to say goodbye to Cosmo, but they were happy he was going to a good home and his little dream became true. When they finally arrived at Jayne’s house, she introduced Cosmo to her two other dogs, Poppy and Grendel and her kids, Alice and Owen. “I don’t know if Cosmo has any understanding of what’s happening, but I think he understands there’s a human here who wants to give him some love and he’s pretty happy about it,” Jayne said. The dog’s eyes lit up when he saw the kids coming to pet him—he seemed to have already decided they were his new best friends!

Cosmo’s reaction is priceless

“It’s nice to see him on a big space, see him spread out and put his belly on a cool floor, and just know he’s finally staying in a space, a place where can feel happy and comfortable. Animals just understand life a little bit better than people sometimes. It’s like they know what’s important, and if they have love and food and a roof over their heads…that’s all that really matters Jayne said. Watch the video, Cosmo took his first steps into his new house and his reaction is priceless.

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