Abandoned Dog Tried To Break Free Dragging Rescuer With Him – She Didn’t Give Up!

She decided to take a risk on the big dog! (Video)

Hope For Paws in Los Angeles, California, is known for rescuing stray and injured animals, tirelessly working to give them a second chance at life. Rescues like the ones they pull off are hardly ever easy or convenient, but these kindhearted heroes still do it. That’s because they’re dedicated to helping homeless pets find forever homes and live the best lives they can, as demonstrated by this heartwarming story. The volunteers received a call about Gershwin, a dog who’d been hanging around a gas station for two months.

They realized pretty quickly that he was afraid of men, so Loreta Frankonyte jumped in and began coaxing the dog toward her with food. But he was wary of her as well, jerking back as she reached for him. That’s when she decided to take a risk on the big guy. Ever so gently, she reached for him. When she finally get a leash around him, the 110-pound dog dragged her like a rag doll. Gershwin panicked and tried to break free of the leash, dragging Frankonyte with him. The 110-pound dog was very strong, but Frankonyte was able to hold her ground until someone else rushed over and got a second leash around him.

The dog dragged her like a rag doll

After the initial panic wore off, Gershwin began to relax, and even let his rescuers pet him a little bit. They led him over to their car, and to their surprise, the gigantic dog jumped right in with no issues. Once he realized they were there to help him, he was more than willing to go with them, excited to drive away from the rest stop forever. Once he was at the vet, Gershwin became a gigantic mush, loving all of the attention from his new friends. They got him all cleaned up and checked out, and he began treatment for a pretty nasty infection in his shoulder. Watch Frankonyte’s brave move below, and prepare for your heart to swell when you see how much progress Gershwin’s made in trusting people!

Luckily, he was able to make a full recovery, and is now loving life in his foster home. Gershwin is an energetic, happy dog who just wants to find a family who will love and play with him for the rest of his days.

Source: happytoutou.wamiz.com

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