Abandoned Senior Dog Hides Under A Car – Watch How They Earn His Trust!

Watch how they earn his trust! (Video)

When Amelia somehow ended up abandoned on the streets of Los Angeles, she was incredibly scared and confused. She had nowhere to go, so she simply hid under a car. The sweet 7-year-old German shepherd just wanted a quiet place to live out her golden years, and instead was forced to wander the streets and hide under cars, waiting for the day when someone would finally notice her. A call went out to Hope for Paws, a Beverly Hills based rescue, and they immediately drove out to find her, not wanting the senior dog to have to survive on the streets for even another second. When rescuers arrived in the area where she’d been seen, they found her hiding underneath a vehicle, too afraid to come out and greet them. 

One of the rescuers, Lisa Arturo, began tearing up bits of food she had brought along and tossing them toward Amelia. As soon as she realized these people had food, she slowly began inching her way out from under the car, hungrily eating everything they offered her as she went.  After a little while, Arturo stood up and began walking away, hoping that Amelia would follow her. With the promise of food, she absolutely did. Arturo lured Amelia into a nearby yard with a gate, and once she and Amelia were safely inside the yard, Eldad Hagar, founder of Hope for Paws, slipped in too and secured the gate behind him, so there was no way Amelia could run off.  Finally, after earning her trust with food, Arturo slowly started to slip a leash around Amelia.

A precious rescue!

With another bite of food, sweet Amelia had no objections. After everything she’d been through, Amelia was a tad reluctant to climb into the Hope for Paws rescue car, so after spending a moment reassuring and cuddling her. Hagar decided to help her out and gently lifted her into the car himself. Once in the car, Amelia was finally completely relaxed, and ready to start the next phase of her life. After a quick vet checkup, Amelia went off to her foster home through LA Animal Rescue, where she has lots of room to play, a bunch of new animal friends to hang out with and plenty of soft spaces to relax and sleep on. Watch the video, it’s a rescue that ends well… with love we can absolutely change everything!

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