Adrenaline Rush – Teen Smacked in The Face by Seagull While on Slingshot Ride at 75 mph

A seagull smacked into her face (Video)

As if a rollercoaster at an amusement park isn’t thrilling enough, this New Jersey teen had the heart-stopping experience of a lifetime. After the girl was thrown in the air like a cannon ball, a seagull decided to join her mid-flight and welcomed itself by slapping the poor teen in the face. “I didn’t know what to do when it hit me,” said the 13-year-old Kiley Holman. “I was just nervous it was going to peck me.”

Kiley had been at the amusement park celebrating her friend Georgia Reed’s 14th birthday. They hopped onto the slingshot ride – one that thrusts riders into the air at 75 miles per hour – when suddenly, a seagull became stuck between her face and the over-the-shoulder seat restraint. The video captured the unbelievable moment the bird bopped into Kiley’s unsuspecting face as she was catapulted into the sky. Kiley screamed loudly, “A bird flew on my face! Oh my god!” when it happened, but her friend seated next to her had no idea what had even happened. “

There is no bigger adrenaline rush than being smacked in the face by an animal at 75mph mid-air.

“I knew there was no going back and it was just going to hit me,” said Kiley. “I didn’t know what to do so I wait for it to spin over. I just grabbed it and threw it off me quick.” Meanwhile, the other teen’s mother, Arena Reed, said she didn’t realize what had happened until the ride had finished: “I saw the wings fall from the vehicle, but at first I thought they were tickets.” The seagull appeared to be uninjured and flapped away, only leaving a few feathers and one disgruntled teen — who also suffered no injuries — behind. Watch the video, the camera captured the moment the seagull flew into the teenage girl’s face as she rode a high-powered boardwalk amusement.

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