After 6 Years, Lost Dog Travels 1300 Miles To Be Reunited With His Owner

Heartwarming reunion (Video)

A missing pug has been found safe in Southern California — six years after he became separated from his owner. Sandra Campos never gave up hope that she would one day see her dog again. Chato, the pug, ran off six years ago when she was visiting Davis, California, and was homeless at the time.

“I kept putting flyers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, anywhere I could get people’s attention,” Campos said. “He was part of the family. He was part of me.” Even when she moved to New Mexico, she kept his microchip information updated. She said she never changed her phone number — and she held out hope that someone would give her a call that they found him. This is how animal shelter workers were able to contact her when Chato was found wandering near the highway. Chato was taken to Front Street Animal Shelter in Sacramento.

“I just started to cry, I was so excited”

Sandra Campos said she was thrilled to get a call that her pug was located over the weekend. “I just started to cry, I was so excited, because I never gave up hope on my pug,” said Campos. An employee at another shelter volunteered to transport Chato 17-hour drive with him to Campos. A nonprofit affiliated with the shelter paid the travel expenses. Watch the video, the two are so relieved to have found each other again after so long apart – such a heartwarming reunion.

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