After Being Rescued From Death, Baby Elephant Can’t Stop Following Her Everywhere

Baby elephant follow her everywhere (Video)

When baby elephant Moyo was out walking with his family, they came to a river they had to cross. Moyo, was only a few days old, couldn’t handle the current. He was sadly swept away from his family, and nearly drowned. But the baby elephant was found just in time – a pack of hyenas was approaching her. Rangers took Moyo to Wild Is Life sanctuary, an organization that for 20 years has helped and taken care of injured, abandoned, and rescued animals.

And it’s just there that Moyo would come to meet a person who would soon become his everything. Founder, Roxy Danckwerts, became the orphan’s new mom. Now 14 months old, Moyo follows Danckwerts everywhere. “She knows my voice, my smell and somehow knows where I am at all times,” said Danckwerts. “How, I have no idea!” It’s getting trickier with time because Moyo keeps getting bigger and her raids around the house are more difficult to handle. “She is one of those animals with whom I have formed an extraordinary bond of friendship, trust and love,” said Danckwerts.

He keeps getting bigger and her raids around the house are more difficult to handle

“Letting go will be hard. However, I am so determined and so sure of this road that I have chosen. I want the best for the elephant children, and that best is freedom to roam and to make their own choices.” When creating the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery, Danckwerts said, “We believe that the elephant nursery is about affording the individual orphans a second chance at life. These orphans, who have been severely traumatized, deserve the opportunity to grow and thrive in the natural world.” Watch the video, Moyo has managed to adapt to his new life!

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