After His Audience Ignores Him, A Struggling Street Performer Is Comforted By His Dog

Dog Comforts Struggling Street Performer (Video)

A dog’s love can be the greatest thing in the world. It can make life so much better, even for people who have nothing else. And a loyal dog can pick you up when you’re at your lowest. That’s what one heartwarming video shows, as a struggling street musician turns to his best friend for some love. Anderson Hidalgo, from Venezuela, is a rapper and musician who goes by the name Rebel. Like many young musicians at the start of their career, Anderson was short on money, and relied on busking, performing for strangers in public hoping for tips. Anderson recently had a captive audience: he gave a free performance for strangers stuck at a traffic light in Colombia.

Pouring his heart out with his songs, the performer was ignored and left penniless as he continued to sing in the dismal weather. Thankfully, he had his trusty companion right by his side, a little white puppy. He was embraced by his biggest fan. Anderson has been struggling to make his dreams come true, but has been lucky enough to have some support from his furry friends. After his performance, his loyal dog Mayte was there waiting for him, wagging his tail. Anderson, clearly in need of a pick-me-up, hugged his loyal dog. The whole heartwarming scene was caught on video by Wara Ricoo, who was watching from his home above. The sight touched him, and he decided to go down and find out more. “For me, it was a moment of love and loyalty,” said Wara Ricoo. “So much so that I went down to talk to him.”

It was a moment of love and loyalty

Wara heard Anderson’s story, and was moved by how he has continued to care for his two dogs, Mayte and Negrita, even has he has struggled to make money. Wara decided to help the stranger out. He took Anderson and the two dogs to the vet, and thankfully they were both found to be in good health. He also shared his story on social media, hoping that the viral fame would help Anderson’s music career. Since being spotted on that rainy day, Anderson’s story has gone viral, and people all across the world have begun following the struggling street performer on his social media platforms. The love he received from his dog has resonated with people, as no one could resist viewing the heartwarming moment of a man being comforted by his loyal pet. Anderson started a new Instagram page, that now has over 14,000 followers thanks to the story. Ricco decided to do even more, he even booked him time in a recording studio so his music could finally find a welcome audience. Watch the video, it’s a reminder of the huge difference a dog’s love can make in someone’s life.

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