After Stroke This Man Wasn’t Able to Speak – Watch When He Gets The Visit From His Dog

A surprise visit from someone special (video)

Last week, Lizzy Peake shared a touching scene showing the bond between a man and his pet. Peake’s grandpa recently suffered a stroke, for which he was at a facility undergoing rehab. Though his family has been there to support him, someone special had clearly been missing. “[He] wasn’t able to speak well but we were able to understand ‘Holly,’ which is the name of his dog,” Peake wrote. “So we got permission for him to see her and he was so happy to see her.”

Lizzy Peake was able to record this touching moment. The rehabilitation center in which Lizzy’s grandfather was placed has, of course, acceded to this special request. A way to give morale of steel to a man who will now have to fight to find certain functions, such as language. In the meantime, we can appreciate this sincere, loving relationship between this owner and his little dog. He couldn’t speak well but his family understood when he asked for Holly!

Their love is self-evident

The presence of a pet contributes to the improvement of recovery in certain diseases, because it brings a real psychological advantage, contributing to the well-being of the patient and, most often, a faster healing, or less painful. Watch the video, it’s simply touching to see how dogs have therapeutic properties.

With any luck, it will help quicken his recovery, and hasten the day Grandpa and Holly are reunited for good.


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