After The Tragic Death Of Their Dog, She Tries To WARN All Pet Owners!

She tries to warn all pet owners!

Dealing with the loss of a pet is tough. It’s like losing a member of your family. It’s even tougher when you blame yourself for their death. Christina Young, unfortunately, lost her dog named Petey and now she’s warning other pet owners about the hazards of pet suffocation.

“One week ago I kissed my baby boy goodbye on my way out for work. But I had no idea it would be for the last time. Although I still can’t even wrap my head around what happened and I feel we have an obligation to share what happened to Petey to hopefully prevent it from happening to any of your babies,” 

Young expected to come home to her dog just as she left him, however, that unfortunately wasn’t the case. “So we apologize in advance because this is so hard to write about and I’m sure such a downer to read. Last Monday, Christian beat me home from work by about 10 min and was surprised when Petey didn’t greet him at the door like usual,” Young explains. As he walked in further he saw our sweet boy lying lifeless with a stupid chip bag over his head. He was able to get them off the counter that we will forever blame ourselves for leaving out.

Petey, unfortunately, suffocated himself after getting his head stuck inside a potato chip bag. Young later learned that pet suffocation is actually extremely common. “But after doing research the stats on how often this happens is shocking. 3-5 pet suffocation’s get reported every week and 42% of those occur while the owner is in the next room,” Young said. It only takes about 3 minutes for their oxygen to drop to fatal levels. With this happening so often we were so surprised by the lack of awareness on this topic out there.”

In fact, most people who have had dogs that have died from suffocation had no idea of the hazard. “Especially because I was a very overprotective dog mama. In fact, 90% of the incidents reported the owner had never heard of this until it happened to them (us included). Chip bags, cereal bags, bread bags, popcorn bags, dog/cat treat bags seem to be the most common,” she explains. 


“I pray none of you ever have to experience your heartbreaking this way. I don’t know why this had to happen and it hurts like hell, but I am faithful that God will show us a way to become stronger and closer to him because of it. In the short 1.5 years he was in our lives, he changed us forever. The bond the three of us shared was instant and like nothing I’ve ever felt. We only wish it could have been longer. We love you so much Papasito. You will be in our hearts FOREVER. Until we meet again.

Be extra careful, warn other dog owners, share this story with them on Facebook and give your fur babies some extra love today and every day after this.



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