Australian Teens Rescued a Carload Of Koalas After Bushfires Ravage National Park

They put the koalas in their car (Video)

Since September, over 500 million animals have died because of the flames in Australia. Especially hard-hit was the koala population, with many of these animals dying in the calamity. However, the situation in Australia showed us that people are willing to step up and be the everyday heroes that we need. 19-year-old Micah and 18-year-old Caleb are two such heroes and they’re being praised all over the net.

These two cousins drove around Kangaroo Island, rescuing koalas and putting them in their car. The teens plan to look after all their new koala buddies until they’re healthy and it’s safe to let them back into the wild. According to Micah and Caleb, around 60 percent of all the koalas they came across had, unfortunately, burned to death. “This is our little koala rescue. Just trying to collect as many live ones as we can,” one of the cousins can be heard saying in the video clip they shot, showing the interior of their car.

Using a towel, he and his cousin picked up the koalas and transferred them into their car

Sam Mitchell, co-owner of the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park, said that people were delivering injured animals to them, including about 50 koalas. “At least a third of what has been brought in we’ve had to euthanize, unfortunately,” Mitchell broke the sad news. “We are seeing many burns to hands and feet—fingernails melted off. For some, the burns are just too extreme.” Watch the video, the teens then took the koalas to a neighbor, who has a wildlife care permit.

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