Baby Chases The German Shepherd Around The Room – The Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless

Dog’s reaction is priceless (Video)

This is the adorable moment a baby and his German Shepherd chase each other around their living room. Leo MacDonald and his furry friend, Zeus, kept themselves endlessly entertained as they carried on the game at home in Enola, Pennsylvania. The 11-month-old starts chasing after the pooch on his hands and knees so Zeus runs away around a corner. When he gets back to the other side, the 20-month-old dog stops in his tracks and turns around sharpish, continuing the trick multiple times leaving Leo gurgling away happily.

Every time the dog appears, the baby turns and crawls after it, only for Zeus to reappear behind him. Leo tries his best to catch up but the dog is too quick for him and disappears around the corner before the baby can reach it. The baby and his pet do not seem worried about the picture frames or the furniture in the hallway and living room as they rush around on the floor. Leo’s grandma, Kimberly, said: “At first, I just thought Zeus had the zoomies, as he will run around the house like a maniac. Then I realised he wanted Leo to chase after him. I thought it was hilarious.”

They have an amazing relationship

“From the day we brought Leo home from the hospital, we have been working on socialising them together. He can be a little rough with us, but he is always so gentle with the baby. Leo just started to pull himself up the other month, and he likes to pull himself up on Zeus.” Watch the video, he’s not yet big enough to catch the dog, but one thing is for sure, he’s having a lot of fun!

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