Baby Girl Tries To Climb The Stairs But The Dogs Stop The Baby From Getting Past

Baby girl tries to climb the stairs (Video)

Teaching your child to go up and down the stairs is tough. You have to show them how to navigate the steep climb properly without falling. I think learning to go down is a lot scarier than climbing! Gravity is not always very helpful, and toddlers are not that graceful. Few things are as worrisome for a parent as what their baby could get into when she crawls away from them.

If she’s out of sight for even just a few seconds, she could be halfway into making a big mess…or worse. But you don’t need safety gates if you have four-legged helpers to look after your little one. These two dogs and their little girl are the most adorable thing we’ve come across recently.

Two gentle giants!

In this video, we see a pair of dogs that appear to be stationed at the bottom of the stairs – their job is to stop the baby from getting past! These giant dogs acted as gatekeepers keeping this baby from climbing up the stairs. The little girl struggles and struggles but the canine sentry’s don’t budge! Watch the video, they have a job and they will succeed! Even when the baby slips and has to grab on to the coat of the dog – he stands firm!

Case in point: When this baby had an itch to go exploring, her two dogs started to get really pushy. That’s when she realized what they were really up to! In the end, the large black dog walks away, and the little girl is free to make the climb! Luckily mom is there, so the little girl is in good hands! These two gentle giants just wanted to help. Kind of makes me want to get some “protectors” of my own!

How amazing are these two gentle giants?


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