Baby Seal Breaks Into Home, Traumatises Cat And Hangs Out On Couch – A Polite Guest

The seal spent time on the couch

The Ross family of Mt Maunganui were more than a little surprised to find the New Zealand fur seal in their home, which is about 150m from the shore. Phil Ross, who happens to be a marine biologist, said it was unfortunate he was the only one not home at the time. “The big joke is that this is really the only family emergency where it would be useful to have a marine biologist in the house,” he said. “I really missed my time to shine.”

Ross said his wife, Jenn, rose just before 6am to go to the gym. “As she got in the car, something barked from underneath and shuffled away. She thought it was someone’s dog… and didn’t really think too much of it.” She returned around 7am, opening the door to find “a cute little seal”. “It got a bit of a fright and humped its way down the hallway into the spare room.” Ross said the seal had managed to make its way through two catflaps to get into the home. He believes it had encountered the family’s territorial cat, Coco, outside, just after Jenn had left the property, and had likely been inside for an hour. “The cat would have gone to defend its territory and obviously the seal wasn’t as intimidated as some dogs are, so Coco must have bolted around the side of the house, into the catflap, and the seal must have followed her.”

A polite guest

Jenn woke their two children, Noah, 12, and Ari, 10, to come and see “their new pet”. “They thought it was cool and pretty exciting but were totally oblivious to the fact that… not many of their mates would have seals come to visit them in their houses.” The seal spent time in the spare room and on the couch before Jenn managed to usher it out the front door and into the garden. Watch the video, the seal, which the family nicknamed “Oscar” proved to be polite company.

Ross said, and thankfully had not defecated inside. “I think that would have been pretty terminal for the furniture.” A Department of Conservation ranger turned up at 10am to take the seal back to the sea. Meanwhile, Coco the cat had scarpered to the neighbour’s house. On returning to its own home, it refused to go downstairs because it was “clearly pretty traumatised”.


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