Big Dog Gets Ready To Bound Down The Stairs, But He Can’t Make It Past The First Step!

A recipe for disaster!

Big dogs can be just as adorable as their teeny tiny counterparts. Though they may not be able to fit in your purse and are too big to be picked up, they still can be just as docile and affectionate — in fact, there’s more of them to love! Just like pit bulls, big dogs are oftentimes written off as dangerous because they’re closer to humans in size. If you’re not careful, they might easily knock you over! But I’ve found that the opposite is true in terms of their hostility — bigger pups tend to be even sweeter and gentler than little dogs, who try and make up for their stature by acting tough.

They also tend to be big babies who love trying to cuddle in their owner’s lap and are afraid of their own shadow. This is definitely the case for Norman, the 150-pound, 9-month-old Saint Bernard puppy from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada in the video.  Norman is still in the process of mastering the stairs, but hasn’t quite got the knack of it yet. Though he may look strong and tough, Norman is actually just a big baby who is too afraid to even walk down the stairs. 

A big baby!

“He’s scared of them because of all the wrinkles on his head fold over his eyes and he can’t see! Nor does he know where to put his giant puppy paws so he goes up and down stairs sideways,” explains his owner. Carpeting and grips on wooden stairs is recommended to help dogs be more confident navigating stairs as hardwood floors can be slippery. I have a feeling with the proper encouragement and training, Norman will find the stairs are not too much of a challenge! Watch the video, it’ll make you want to find the nearest big fluff ball and give them a cuddle.

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