Heroic Farm Animals Rushed to Save Their Chicken Friend Who Was Attacked by a Hawk

Heroic farm animals annihilate hawk (Video)

By now you may have heard a lot about the friendship and loyalty of dogs and horses, but today we will tell you about the bravery of farm animals. When it comes to farm animals, I like to imagine all of the animals on the farm are friends and they can communicate with one another about anything from politics to what’s for dinner. In this case, on a quaint little farm somewhere in the ‘burbs, the gang teamed up to take down a vicious hawk. Captured in a dramatic new viral video, a goat and rooster rushed to the rescue of their chicken buddy when it was attacked by a predatory hawk. You can compared it to a classic “Disney adventure.”

Jaap Beets, a farmer in Gelderland, in the Netherlands, was in his farmhouse when he heard a commotion coming from his livestock outside. “I was so proud of the rooster and the goat jumping in to defend our chicken,” said farmer Beets, 59. “I was also very relieved that the chicken survived.” His CCTV footage showed the moment a goshawk dive-bombed a chicken, feather plumes flying in the air. The chicken gets away at first with a nasty juke move, but runs directly into the fence with nowhere to go. Almost immediately, one of the farm’s roosters sprinted to the chick’s rescue, defending his fellow feathered pal. Despite a clear disadvantage, the rooster goes full-force with its beak, but can’t manage to get the hawk away. Beets’ goat Bruin joined the showdown, too, charging the hawk to scare it away.

That goat, though, what a hero!

The chicken suffered minor injuries— but Beets said the other farm animals “rallied around her” to mend her back to full health. Meanwhile, this wasn’t the first time farmer Beets has experienced such drama — his other goats and turkeys have jumped in to rescue his chickens twice before. “In the seven years I have lived here, it’s the third attack on our chickens,” he said. “This was the second from a goshawk and the other was a buzzard. I grew up with a deep respect for nature and have worked in environmental jobs and in nature conservation all my life,” Beets said. “We try to facilitate nature as much as possible.” Watch the video, the dynamic duo eventually saved the chicken, forcing the hawk to fly away.

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