Brave House Cat Fights And Scares Off 3 Coyotes Who Invaded His Backyard

This fearless cat proved his bravery (Video)

When you try to describe house cats, a few words likely come to mind. While many cats can come off as stand-offish and independent, others just want to spend their time cuddling. Then, there are cats like Max. Who is a black-and-white house cat who proved his bravery. A Los Angeles couple has shared terrifying home surveillance footage of their house cat, Max, being attacked by a pack of 3 coyotes in the dead of the night. The coyotes were prowling outside, and Max managed to scare them off. Even crazier, he didn’t even look fearful during the encounter.

While the coyotes easily outnumbered Max, he didn’t let that deter him from his primary goal of survival. All it took were a few hisses and swats for him to prove how tough he was. The gritty cat shows no fear and boldly charges at the ferocious pack. Max snarls and pounces like an unperturbed warrior, leaving the coyotes rattled. His owners almost couldn’t believe it. It’s unclear if they knew that Max was outside at the time, but they seemed well aware that coyotes were lurking in the neighborhood. While Max bravely managed to fend off the coyotes with his bravado, the couple admits that the situation could have easily turned tragic.

The cat isn’t about to turn tail and run

After the cat’s persistent defensive attack, the scared coyotes are forced to retreat. Max’s parents are proud of their heroic little feline, but while he was lucky this time, it’s possible that his parents may limit his outdoor time in the future — especially at night. Urban Coyote Initiative states that small animals are quite interesting to coyotes. In general, they don’t seem all that interested in humans, meaning that humans may be able to easily avoid a confrontation. Small house cats are another story. Watch the video, we see Max completely surrounded by a growling pack of coyotes, they are clearly starving as they have their eyes locked on the tiny cat.

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