Bus Driver Stops In Middle Of The Highway To Help a Dog In Need

Here is a brave man who really deserves our applause (Video)

A black dog was trapped in the middle of a busy highway in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The frightened dog was in the express bus lane and dangerously near the lane divider. It’s anyone’s guess as to how this frightened black dog came to be stranded in the middle of a busy highway — but there’s no question at all about how she came to be saved. Worried the dog was about to get run over bus driver Silvio Gomes stopped and exited the bus. There was momentary confusion among the passengers about what was going on but one filmed what happened next!

“I left Magellan’s station and saw, among the concrete gaps, that the dog was lying down… I turned around and the dog was scared, wanting to jump. I thought, ‘I have to help… It’s a life, ” Gomes told TV Globo. Amid the hurried stream of passing vehicles, the pup had found her hero. The passengers aboard the bus may have been confused at first when their driver decided to bring the bus to a halt, but they soon realized just why he’d stopped. In the video, Gomes calmly walks the dog back to the bus and the moment the two are safely on board, the passengers break out in applause and cheer. The dog also looked very relieved and happy with the turn of events. But he was about to become even happier.

This is what a hero looks like!

The poor dog had been rescued thanks to the driver’s kindness — and she seemed to know she was now safe among friends. Though it’s fair to say those aboard the bus had not been accounting for a delay in their commute, none seemed bothered by the unexpected stop. In fact, their reaction was quite the opposite. After dropping the dog off with an animal shelter, Gomes says he told the story to his wife and was immediately “in trouble” for not bringing the dog home. So the next day, after saving the dog’s life, Gomes became a hero all over again and adopted the dogWatch the video, here is a brave man who really deserves our applause!

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