Cat Attacks Vet After Watching His Terrified Dog Friend Getting Injection

Cat attacks vet (Video)

A cat defending his dog friend was caught on video attacking a vet when he thought he was hurting the pooch. Both the cat and dog are said to belong to the woman in the footage who is helping to hold down the pooch, according to local media. The cat is carefully watching through the open door with her tail flicking in agitation. The video shows the moment the vet is treating the dog on a metal table while the owner is holding it.

While the vet is distracted with the pooch, the cat stalks into the treatment room to spy on what is happening. He walks to the table and stands on its two legs trying to see what is happening to the dog. Standing on her back legs to get a closer look at the treatment table, the cat appears to decide her friend is being hurt. In a blur of movement, the cat is seen attacking and biting the vet and running away in what has been described by local media as an attempt to defend its four-leg pal.

The cat appears to decide her friend is being hurt

The animals are incredible, he thought he was hurting him and wanted to defend his friend. Cat lovers who commented on the clip, which was loved more than 120,000 times, called the cat a “hero,” although he didn’t understand that the vet was trying to help his friend, not hurt it. Watch the video, the cat performed a heroic action.

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