Cat Wants His Owner To Open The Door – Passerby Catches This Hilarious Scene

Passerby caught the scene on cam, lest no one else would believe it (Video)

It’s well known that cats are clever, perhaps even devious creatures, but just how smart are cats? According to scientists, it’s not your imagination: Cats are far more intelligent than you may realize and far more stubborn. And when you see this fantastic video, there is no doubt left. Last week, Sheekilah Jones was waiting for her bus to work when a curious sound began to reverberate through the quiet, early morning streets. The source of which was not immediately clear.

“I heard knocking,” said Jones. “But there was no one around.” Scanning her surroundings, Jones’ eyes then landed upon something pretty odd: On a stoop a short ways away, Sheekilah saw a black cat on a handrail near the door. At first she didn’t understand anything, but then she understood why. The feline leans across the door of the suburban home in Cardiff, UK, and stretches its tiny paw across to reach the gold knocker, before giving it a few raps – indicating, exactly like a human would, that he’d kindly like to be let inside. “I genuinely couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” Jones said.

She picked up her phone and caught the scene on cam, lest no one else would believe it

Evidently, the kitty had found a way of summoning his owner more effectively than, say, the quiet pitter-patter of his paws against the door. Unfortunately, though, Jones had to go before the cat’s wish was granted. “I was tempted to go and knock a bit harder for him, but then my bus came,” she said. “So at that point I got on the bus, still in shock.” The video doesn’t capture whether or not the homeowner(s) ended up answering the door. Soon after Sheekilah published her video it went viral with millions of views in just a few days. Many have joked the cat had been out partying all night, because of the early morning door knocking. Either way, this video is priceless.

“I’m either seeing things because it’s 6 a.m.,” Sheekilah wrote, “Or this cat is actually knocking the door?”

Honestly, even with the video footage, I am still in disbelief. But, after carefully examining it 3,127 times (mostly because how can I not watch this on repeat?!), I can confidentally say this brilliant kitty was, in fact, knocking.


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