Clever Police Dog Rushes To a Car And Left Everyone Speechless

Clever police dog (Video)

Teaching your dog tricks isn’t always easy, but it is worth it. Your dog will appreciate spending time with you, and your bond will only be stronger. It’s no doubt for all of these reasons that many dogs work hand in hand with the police and so many other areas. All police dogs must first become experts at basic obedience training. They must obey the commands of their handler without hesitation.

There’s a reason why German Sheppard’s are used by police. Many dogs are trained to search for drugs, though some are bomb or gun sniffers. Police dogs can also track missing persons or suspects. They’re a very smart breed and one US policeman has demonstrated just how clever they are by teaching his dog to do something special and funny!

The officer points to the car and the animal hurries over to it

The clip begins with the pooch lying down in a car park. The officer then simply points to the car and the animal hurries over to it. It then immediately grabs the rear passenger door handle with its teeth and jumps in. Attached to the inside of the door is a large rubber hoop, which the dog then tugs on to shut the door. This is met with cries of delight from people watching behind the camera. Watch the video, the footage has since re-emerged on the internet had been viewed nearly a million times.

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