Conductor Stops Train To Film A Heartbreaking Discovery – Dog Chained To Railroad Tracks

Conductor approached the animal (Video)

Andres Tapia was driving a train through Llay Llay, in the Valparaíso Region of Chile, when he noticed a dark spot on the tracks ahead. When the object blocking his path didn’t move, the eagle-eyed conductor hit the brakes in time so as to avoid hurting whatever, or whoever, it was. It didn’t bother to move even as the train drew near. A few feet ahead of the train car sat a little black and brown dog. Tapia exited the train, filming with his phone as he approached the animal. Someone had chained the poor animal to one of the railroad ties on the tracks.

The little dog tugged at the few feet of chain that tethered him to the tracks, barking and wagging his tail excitedly. Had Tapia not stopped the train, the pup would’ve been unable to escape — a thought that sickened the conductor. He decided to video-record the episode—which is likely why we’re all now hearing about it—from the moment he stepped off the train to when he approached the abandoned and seemingly scared animal. “How can there be such bad people who have tied little dogs to the road?” Tapia said in the video. “Hopefully, one day, the human race will change.” While the video ends shortly after the discovery of the dog, Tapia states that he unchained the dog and set him free.

The pup would’ve been unable to escape

“At the end, the puppy let go and went happy,” said Tapia on Social Media. In response to the viral video, the mayor of Llay Llay, Edgardo Gonzalez, stated that he is launching a criminal investigation to bring whoever abandoned the dog to justice. “We are shocked by the cruelty seen in our society, and strongly condemn this act against such a defenseless animal,” said Gonzalez said. “We appreciate the attitude that the driver had, who saved the life of this pet.” Watch the video, the conductor immediately stopped the train after having a heartbroken discovery.

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