Curious Dog knocked Over An Ironing Board And Started A Serious Fire At Home

Dog started fire at home (Video)

A curious dog called Kahuna caused some serious damage at a home in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Home security footage shows the moment the 9-month-old dog was “rearranging” the furniture by knocking over an ironing board, causing the items on it to block a floor heating grate.

In the video shared by the Los Alamos County Fire Department, two dogs are seen wandering around a room when one knocks over an ironing board and a resting electronic iron to the ground. A fire quickly breaks out while the dogs saunter out of the house. “The furnace was operating and produced sufficient heat to melt some items, which flowed into the heater and served as the necessary fuel to initiate the fire down inside the furnace unit,” said fire officials.

Curiosity almost burned down the house

Officials said it took about an hour for the fire to ignite after Kahuna knocked over the ironing board. “LAFD recommends homeowners ensure that smoke alarms are installed and working, that no combustible items be placed on or within three feet of heating devices or heat-producing appliances,” the fire authority warned. Watch the video, we bet that the owner of Kahuna will long remember this crazy day.

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