Cyclist Films Friends Racing On Road, When Giant Ostrich Starts CHASING Them!

Ostrich starts chasing them! (Video)

Cycling is definitely a fun sport. It can be even more fun to have a friendly race between friends. But these friends got more than they bargained for when they hopped on their bikes to warm up for a big event“We came down to South Africa for the Cape Argus Tour,” Oleksiy explained. “It is the biggest cycling event in the world, probably.” Of course, when the boys headed over for their big adventure, they thought the race would be the main highlight. But the day before, they found out they were fated for something else.

“On Friday, to stretch out the legs we went on a pre-race ride to the Cape of Good Hope.” the cyclist shared. “The road by the oceanside was quiet and a little deserted.” Or at least, that was how it seemed before they got into the midst of their journey. Oleksiy took out his video camera to record the beautiful nature. The three friends were riding along when – out of nowhere – a giant bird appeared. “Suddenly, I spotted a white ostrich on my left,” said the narrator. “Then this beast jumped on the road from the right and started chasing my friends!”

Riding as fast as they could!

The cyclist immediately shifted his focus from the terrain to the road, and more specifically to his friends. They were riding as fast as they could from an angry ostrich. The film maker laughed the second the huge bird came into view. “It was a little scary at first,” he admitted. “But then I thought, ‘I’m gonna fall off my bike from laughter!’” As the men peddled harder, the ostrich ran even faster. It had no problem at all keeping up with them. Oleksiy might have been enjoying himself, but no doubt his friends were still afraid for their lives. Ostriches are powerful creatures, and you do not want one to get ahold of you. Watch the video, the cyclists could not outrun the bird. The ostrich didn’t have any problem to keep up at 50 km/h. 

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