Cyclists Rescue Abandoned Dog In The Woods That Was Tied To a Tree!

They’re able to cut the rope and release him! (Video)

A group of cyclists in Portugal started video-recording when they came across a dog in the woods that was tied tightly to a tree—so tightly, in fact, that it could hardly move its head. They were alerted by a popular and suddenly discovered something terrible. The cyclists, who seemed alarmed by the sight of this dog, were deciding how to go about approaching and freeing the animal, whose owner had seemingly abandoned it to die.

The dog was hungry and extremely skinny but no one knows how long he was tied to the tree before the cyclists finally found it. He was very weak, and in the video we can assume that he was without food for a long time, because you could clearly see his ribs. The dog, most likely frightened, and tied up though it was, could still easily bite. It bared its teeth as they got close. So they decided upon an intelligent course of action by offering the poor pooch some food, which it snaps up quickly. Fortunately, these cyclists were in the right place at the right time and were able to save the poor dog’s life.

Frightened by human contact!

Hopefully in the end, the four-legged friend was nurtured back to health and found a worthy owner and a loving home. Today, there are many animal lovers to congratulate these heroes, which we will do too! Let’s hope that the culprit of this abandonment, which would have been fatal without the good luck of cyclists, will be found and punished for his act of cruelty to animals! Watch the video and share this rescue operation with your loved ones on Facebook, to pay tribute to these heroes!

In Portugal, for example, it is illegal to leave pets on a chain for long periods of time—even if they are being cared for. Yet, many owners do not have the resources to provide proper fencing, and so their pets remain in chains, which isn’t pleasant for the animals.Thanks to organizations like Quebr’a Corrente (Break the Chain), though, both funds and volunteers are being provided to put in place proper fences for pets in need.


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