Dad Introduces Newborn To Chihuahua For 1st Time – Puppy Has The Sweetest Reaction!

Dad introduces newborn to Chihuahua! (Video)

Eddie and Yvonne were thrilled when they found out they were expecting. Even though the family was ecstatic to welcome a little one into the world, no one was more excited than the couple’s Chihuahua, Quica. The feisty Chihuahua guarded Yvonne’s stomach for nine long months, snapping at anyone who got too close or moved too fast. She was the guard dog of this pregnant momma, no way around it! So when the time came for Eddie and Yvonne to bring their baby boy, Nicholas, home, they were nervous about how their pup would react. 

Welcoming a new arrival to the family is always a special event. Grandparents getting to meet their new grandchild, siblings meeting their new brother or sister and friends getting giddy. But it turns out that animals also get very excited about new family members and there was one family member that couldn’t wait to meet their new pal. Would Quica be happy to see her new human brother? Or would she be overprotective of Yvonne and refuse to let the baby get close? The only way to find out was to give Quica a chance.

Puppy has the sweetest reaction!

The family’s adorable little Chihuahua, Quica, was so excited to meet the family’s newborn son, Nicholas. Mom filmed as Dad placed Nicholas down by his canine sister. This was the moment they had been waiting for! Hopefully, it would go well! Instead of snapping at the baby, Quica rolled over on her belly as if to say, “Hello! I mean no harm!” Mom let out a deep sigh or relief and Dad let out a big chuckle. There was nothing to be worried about! Take a peek at this heartwarming introduction in the video. It certainly appears Quica and Nicholas will be the best of friends.

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