Devoted Mother Dog Helps Rescuers To Find And Dig Out Her Babies From The Rubble

An incredible rescue journey (Video)

Animal Aid received an urgent call about a mother dog crying frantically in a nearby neighborhood. She passed up and down, in obvious distress. A nearby house had collapsed and her babies were buried beneath the rubble. It was absolutely heartwrenching! Although they fear the puppies might have already died, the mother dog must be sensing they were still alive because she signals where they need to look.

As the rescuers arrived, the mama dog wagged her tail. She was so happy because she knew they were there to help her. She points her snout to the ground, egging rescuers on as they begin to lift rocks and bricks away. Once the heavy rocks were removed by the kind human, the mama dog could get to work. She begins to frantically dig by their side – biting stones and pawing the dirt – showing them where to focus their attention. She makes sure they hurry as “she seemed to realize that they could suffocate at any moment.” The dirt was packed down tight and covered by heavy rocks. The rescuers only prayed that the puppies were still alive.

A helpful mother

Rescuers and the mother dog takes turns digging to free her puppies. After what seems forever, they finally hear a few whimpers from below. They could finally hear the puppies crying! The cries got louder as the rescuer and mama got closer to them. The puppies are covered with dirt but still breathing! The mama is so concerned and inspects each puppy as they pull them from the debris. She is relieved to have her puppies back. Watch the video, we love a happy ending! An incredible rescue journey of this mother and her “unstoppable love”.

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