Dog Approaches Screaming Baby – His STUNNING Solution Immediately Relaxes The Baby!

The dog’s solution relaxes the baby! (Video)

A mother’s voice is the most soothing sound a young baby can hear. But what happens when mom isn’t around? One animal won pet of the year by lulling his human into a calm, quite state. The baby was laying in his stroller inside the house, and it seemed that nothing could calm him down. The family dog, a husky, heard that his human was distressed and wanted to help. He quickly found a way to comfort the infant.

The dog took his post next to the stroller, just a foot away from the baby. He sat down and stretched out his neck, prepared to sooth the child’s cries. This pup began to sing to the crying baby! He let out a long, low howl right next to the little boy’s ears. It was clear that this sound was meant to calm the child. The dog varied the tones of his voice as he belted out a relaxing tune. It seemed to work. The baby stopped crying as the pup took a breath between notes. As the dog continued to sing, the boy seemed confused about what was happening. He looked around, not expecting his pet to make such a melodic sound. Soon the baby was completely relaxed. He had stopped crying, and whatever had upset him in the first place seemed to be gone.

The baby stopped crying!

The dog had done an excellent job of filling the role of babysitter. It is natural to think about a baby being soothed when he hears his mother’s voice, but it is less intuitive that this dog-music could have such a powerful affect on this young mind. Children can become captivated by music in the same way that adults can. When this dog sang to his tiny human, he put the boy in an almost meditative state. This was the perfect way to stop the crying. This dog deserves an award for his ingenious behavior. Watch the video, his thoughtful actions are proof that the bond shared between people and dogs is one of love, loyalty, and lifelong friendship.

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