Dog Ate Cannabis Cookie – Owner Was Frightened Seeing The Drug’s Effects

Effects of the drugs (Video)

Billy, a six-year-old Spaniel-Bichon Frise cross was out walking with his owner in Lancashire. He came across something that looked like food on the ground and did what most dogs would do, and ate it. But what he ate wasn’t really food. As his owner was to discover, Billy had eaten a cannabis edible. Within two hours, Billy couldn’t stand up and had started to have fits.

Billy’s worried owner, Sarah Eccles, watched as her beloved pooch swayed back and forth, had bloodshot eyes and was obviously experiencing some form of psychoactive effect from the drug. Horrified by what was happening to Billy, Ms Eccles phoned the emergency vet who advised her to bring him in immediately. By the time Sarah and Billy arrived at the vet, Billy was suffering tremors, had lost control of his bladder and his heartbeat had become dangerously slow. The vet gave Billy an injection which induced vomiting in the hope of getting the drugs out of his system. They also put an IV line into him to give him essential fluids.

Heartbeat had become dangerously slow

Billy was kept at the vets overnight for close supervision. Ms Eccles said how frightening it was to see the effects the cannabis had on her little dog. She said: “He began twitching and fitting. He couldn’t stand up and even when he was sat on the vinyl flooring in the vets, his legs just splayed out.” Watch the video shows little Billy swaying and looking ‘stoned’ by the effects of the cannabis.

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