Dog Hears Newborn Baby Cry for the 1st Time – Dog’s Reaction Is Adorable

Dog’s reaction is adorable (Video)

Bringing a newborn baby home for the first time is such a magical moment, but introducing pets to the new baby can be a bit nerve-wracking. Will they be stand-offish? Will they be protective? Will they be an automatic best friend? You never know how a dog is going to react. But we know that dogs and babies can be a great combination with the proper introduction. Even though Boxers are known as big and “tough” dogs, they are one of the most loving and gentle breeds on the planet. In fact, they make wonderful family dogs because they are so loyal and caring. They are also amazing with children.

As the baby, Malina, lies in her crib, her mom begins to film. She knew that her dog, Bella, was nearby and wanted to capture a cute moment just in case it happened. Better safe than sorry, right? Well, as it turns out — what she captured is downright adorable. The mom pulls up the bed skirt to the crib and Bella the Boxer was quietly sitting directly underneath Malina with a worried look on her face. It was almost as if she was anguished at the fact that she couldn’t comfort the crying baby. At this point, Malina really begins to start crying and fussing. Bella can’t stand the sound of her baby sister in distress; her head lifts and her ears perk up. As if letting Malina know she’s not alone, Bella begins to whimper too.

She seemed preoccupied!

Realizing that she can’t quite reach the little human, Bella whimpers some more. It’s obvious that all the sweet dog wants to do is provide comfort to the tiny baby. After a bit more whimpering from Bella, she looks up to mom with the camera with eyes that say “go help her, Mom!” Her owner explains, “when we brought our first daughter home from the hospital we weren’t sure how the dog would react. Would she be jealous? Protective? We knew she would be a great family dog but we didn’t expect this!” Watch the video, this is a truly heartwarming moment!

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