Chihuahua Escapes The Cage Where He Spent His Whole Life – Touching Moment

Chihuahua escapes the cage (Video)

Adam Parascandola has worked as an animal rescue volunteer for years, and in that time he’s seen more than his fair share of heartbreaking sights. But nothing could have prepared Adam and his team for what they found when they were called out to an abandoned in Jones County, North Carolina. During a recent puppy mill raid, Adam and his crew found a shed in the backyard. Adam and the other rescuers thought it was probably just being used for storage. But they decided to check it out just in case. When they got inside, they were horrified to discover even more abused and neglected animals. To their horror, the volunteers found a hidden room where dogs were kept in individual cages, just like the ones which are tragically often used for rabbits or pigs in India.

Their quality of life was undesirable to say the least… The neglectful owner of the puppy mill hadn’t even bothered to change the dogs’ water, which had turned a green colour. Amongst the other prisoners, the volunteers noticed a dog, a Chihuahua, who was clearly in a bad way. He was severely underweight, and his lower jaw was damaged almost beyond use. When Adam tried to free him, he struggled with the cage’s rusted bolt system: proof that the dog had probably spent his whole life behind these bars. Adam had to use wire cutters to get him out. Adam finally managed to get him out, and took him into his arms. It was obvious that the Chihuahua, named Billy, had never felt kind hands around him. He was paralysed, overwhelmed with feelings of surprise, fear and happiness. 

Heartwarming rescue

A few minutes later, he extended his first lick to Adam, a sign that he trusted him. It’s the start of a new life for Billy… As he cuddles him, Adam is struck by the fragility of the little animal: “He was just a skeleton under his long fur…” The dog was quickly taken to one of the Humane Society rescue center where the vets confirmed that he was dangerously underweight. But Billy is on the road to recovery. And of course, the road to happiness at last. Alongside the intensive care which should get him back on his feet, the Chihuahua is making the most of the gentleness and kindness of his rescuer, Adam. Billy is living a proper dog’s life, full of games, hugs and playdates with other dogs! Watch the video and find out what happened next. We let you discover this heartwarming rescue for yourself.

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