Dog Collapses And Stops Breathing – Heroic Man Tries To Bring Him Back To Life

Owner’s dog imagined the worst (Video)

Dog training classes take place across the globe every single day, and millions of dog owners attend with their pups. When Tiffany Kauth and her Boxer, Sugar, attended a canine obedience class together, the worst possible thing happened. Dog trainer Ron Pace was leading the class at the Canyon Crest K-9 Training Center when the Boxer suddenly collapsed and started having a seizure.

“I was absolutely certain that I was losing my dog,’ she said afterwards. ‘His eyes were open and there was nothing there. It was hard.” said Tiffany. Since he has been a trainer for almost four decades, Ron knew exactly what to do. Sugar’s mom started crying and panicking, but Ron jumped up and got right to work on the dog. He gave Sugar mouth-to-mouth and then performed CPR with chest compressions. “I was just kind of praying it would come around,” said Ron. “I would do the same thing on a human in this situation. “

He performed CPR with chest compressions

The dog remained unconscious for two full minutes before she came around. Sugar was frightened but conscious. Vets believe Sugar has a heart condition and must cut down on strenuous activity. Ms Kauth said Mr Pace was ‘amazing’ and that she was ‘grateful’ for what he did. The teaching assistant in the class recorded it all on video, and as you can imagine, the video has gone viral. Watch the video, Ron is being lauded as a hero, and rightfully so!

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