Dog Throws A Major Tantrum When He Realizes He Can’t Sit On Mum’s Lap In The Car

Dog throwing adorable tantrum (Video)

It’s pretty common for kids and puppies to whine when things don’t go their way. It can be annoying, of course, and no one wants to encourage it, but those reactions are mostly out of their control—and grown-ups can’t help but crack a smile. Just like humans, animals have a way of throwing temper tantrums—especially when they’re little. This was what happened with one particular puppy. When his foster mum didn’t let him sit on her lap while she was driving, he wasn’t having any part of it. When he was denied this luxury, though, he couldn’t help but complain in the cutest way possible!

You can rest assured that if you don’t give them what they want, you’re going to hear all about it. Napoleon, this fluffy rescue dachshund puppy, wanted nothing more than to sit on his foster mother’s lap on the car ride home. When she denied him, he couldn’t help but let her know just how upset that made him. Of course, the reason why she made him sit in the passenger seat made perfect sense: it would’ve been unsafe for him to sit on her lap while she was driving. However, that logic couldn’t stop the tiny pup from complaining.

The puppy couldn’t stop to complain

Just like a little child, when Napoleon didn’t get his way, he had no qualms about acting out. It was time for Napoleon to try another tactic. He decided to put on his best puppy eyes. “Maybe if I look as cute as possible, she’ll let me sit on her lap!” But the Plan B didn’t work, either. So, naturally, Napoleon started whining as loudly as possible. But when he couldn’t get attention from that, he tried his hand at playing the silent game. “I know! If I give her the cold shoulder, she’ll know that something’s wrong and she’ll let me sit with her.” But that plan failed, too! Luckily for everyone, his last trick was unbelievably cute. Watch the video, if you haven’t really experienced a cute puppy temper tantrum before.

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