Dog Found Frozen Creature STUCK In The Snow, Owner Decided To Intervene Quickly!

An incredibly touching rescue! (Video)

It has been a difficult season to deal with all around, and not only for us humans. Just imagine all the animals that don’t have nice, warm cabins to get into; imagine the creatures forced to fight cold days on in merciless temperatures and lands of ice and snow. For one little bird, the situation got so bad that is almost meant its life. Fortunately, at the last minute a woman and her dog showed up – seconds later, an intensive rescue effort was undertaken.

Lily’s owner let her out to play in the garden. It didn’t take long before Lily showed great interest in something lodged in the snow. She noticed her dog preoccupied so she took a closer look to investigate what Lily was up to … when suddenly she, too, spotted it. A poor bird was lying, completely immobile, on the ground. He was almost frozen stiff. The owner didn’t know what to do. She wanted to save the bird, so she decided to intervene rather than let the icy grip of winter claim a tiny feathered victim. She rushed inside and grabbed a blanket to keep it warm.  She scooped it up in a towel. That’s when another idea ocurred to her!

It’s really warming to see!

In a last-ditch rescue attempt, the woman grabbed her hairdryer. She wasn’t sure it work, but she had to try. She didn’t bring the bird inside because she thought if he started flying in the house that could have been a big problem, plus she has a cat. Gently, she used the warm air to slowly warm the bird, with the ice that had taken hold melting away. Ever so steadily did the bird begin to thaw. But was it still alive after its battle with the elements? In the video, you can watch what happens after the woman’s efforts at reviving the fallen bird. Watch the video, it’s an incredibly touching rescue. It’s really warming to see.

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