Neglected Dog Gets Rescued And Was Unrecognisable After Grooming – Happy Ending

He looks so different after grooming (Video)

This neglected dog has made a stunning recovery after being brought to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Richmond, Virginia. Our little friend, whom the SPCA renamed Lionheart, was surrendered by his owner — and it was immediately clear he needed care. “We realized what a terrible case of neglect it was,” said Robin Starr, the organization’s CEO. “We realized how badly this little dog needed us, so we took him in immediately.” This is one of those stories that we love to tell. The kind that thrills us and touches our hearts making us believe that there is still a lot of kindness in the world. The 7-year-old pooch had been living under a bed for 2 years and had been severely neglected during that time. His body was covered in thick mats, feces, his own urine making him not able to eat, drink or walk properly.

“I saw him when he first arrived, and I could not tell which was the front end and which was the back end,” said Starr. Dr. Angela Ivey, director of veterinary medical services for the SPCA, said they wouldn’t even have known Lionheart was a poodle if his former owner hadn’t told them. The first step in his care was to shave the mats and make sure the dog was comfortable. Within 24 hours, the team sedated the dog. “He needed his teeth cleaned — they were horrible — and he needed to be neutered, and then we got all of his bloodwork and everything done at the same time,” Ivey added. After the shave, the veterinary team found that Lionheart had several other conditions, including intestinal parasite and skin sores.

It took a few hours until the staff could see the little dog hiding under the matted fur

“He was so cute,” Starr said. He almost immediately, when he woke up, was bouncy and happy and full of energy. I’m sure he had lots of pent-up energy after all that time. “It’s a miracle that he was trusting people to begin with,” Ivey added. Lionheart’s new family renamed him Cody. Let’s admit that it’s clear to see that now Cody is filled with life, energy, and love. He looks nothing like he used to be before his Cinderella-like transformation. “They’re with Cody all the time,” she said. “Cody goes everywhere with them, and they just adore him… It’s the ultimate Cinderella story.” Watch the video, after the anesthesia, he was like a different dog.

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