Dog Gets SCARED During Car Rides – Owner Devised a Sweet Way to Calm Him Down!

Sweet way to calm him down! (Video)

Whilst most dogs love going for a ride in the car, letting their ears and jowls flap in the wind, a car ride for this particular dog named Tom is not such a joyous experience. All dogs have different personalities, and some of them are just more affectionate than others by nature. Some loving pups want to be near you all the time, and they can’t even be in the same room as you without snuggling up close. But, sometimes, dogs need to cuddle because they feel anxious, and a caring human presence nearby puts their nerves at ease.

Tom, a Cocker Spaniel, is a dog with a lot of love to give. The thing is, he expects his owner to return the favor, even if it’s not exactly the most convenient time and place! Most dogs are affectionate to some degree, but certain ones crave more attention than others. There are a variety of reasons why, but mostly, it’s because they just love their human companions! And the adorable Tom is just one of these needy pups. He loves going on car rides with his owner, but he has a tendency to get nervous before each departure.

A special trick to calm him down!

In order to calm him down, his owner figured out a special trick to use before each journey, and it might just be the most precious thing you’ll ever see! What exactly does Tom’s owner do before every car ride that helps calm his nerves? Watch this cute video, you’ll wish that Tom could join you for every car ride after you see how he reacts to his owner’s gentle gesture!

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