Dog Has The Most Hilarious Reaction To Seeing A Balloon For The First Time

Hilarious reaction seeing a balloon (Video)

When you think of balloons, you tend to conjure up an image of birthday parties, family get-togethers, and celebrations. Based on this, you might wonder why why some dogs are scared of balloons, given how much fun and excitement they can bring. Probably the best way to describe 3-year-old Teddy would be curious yet careful. There are some things he’s scared of, like pillows, boxes and now… balloons. Therefore he approaches anything new with caution, just in case he might need to add it to that list. “Teddy is very cautious of everything he encounters,” said Johnathan Lower, Teddy’s dad. “Once he warms up to something, though, sometimes he is overly brave!”

My dog loves balloons. He will chase, catch, and then pop the balloons (which we have to stop, as it’s not that safe). Not all dogs like balloons though. Teddy and his dad love filming silly videos together, and Teddy has learned to sit very still for those in order to get the perfect shot. Recently, the pair were filming a video for Valentine’s Day, and Teddy’s dad brought him some cookies as a gift. He also brought a balloon along as a prop. Unfortunately, the dog wasn’t prepared for the introduction of something new — and it ended up completely stealing his focus. “Now that I think of it, I think that was his first time seeing a balloon in his life,” Lower said. “I literally couldn’t get his gaze off of it!”

He kept his eyes fixed on the balloon

His owner tried to proceed with the video, all Teddy could do was stare at the balloon. He kept perfectly still, of course, but kept his eyes fixed on the balloon. Lower had a feeling going into filming that Teddy would be scared of the balloon, so he pulled it down to let him inspect it and show him that it wasn’t so scary. Once he released it again, though, Teddy kept staring. Teddy and his dad were filming the video in Teddy’s room that his dad had specially made for him, and his dad quickly realized that Teddy definitely wasn’t going to pay attention again until he removed it. “He wouldn’t take his eyes off of it until I got it out of his house,” Lower said. Watch the video, while there are a lot of things that Teddy loves, there are definitely things that he’s not as a big a fan of — and apparently, balloons just made the list.

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