Dog Have Been Trapped In Box All His Life – Vet Finally Releases Him

Vet finally releases him! (Video)

I wish with all my heart that every animal had a good start in life, but sadly it’s just not the case. Cesar the Yorkshire terrier had a rough start to life. The tiny pup was confined to a dirty, dark box and couldn’t move more than a few feet. He might well have been living in the box almost his entire life. He and dozens of other mistreated dogs were all part of a despicable puppy mill operation – one that eventually caught the attention of local enforcement. After the mill was shut down, rescuers came in to remove Cesar and his puppy friends. They had no idea the pups were in such poor health…

Regardless of his previous experiences, it’s not difficult to see that he had suffered but as soon as Cesar was brought into the veterinary clinic, several people immediately rushed to help him. He was in a bad way. They knew they had to act fast if Cesar was going to make it through the night. The team got to work chopping off his matted fur and treating the countless infections that covered his tiny body. It was clear that he had never received medical attention – or any attention at all. Instead of trying to fight the humans, Cesar stood back and allowed them to do their job. He must’ve sensed that they were only there to help. The team worked tirelessly and efficiently to free Cesar from his furry bondage.

 A painful past!

He wouldn’t be confined to a small space anymore – the world was going to be his oyster, one way or another! After hours of carefully shaving, trimming and treating, the vet was able to remove all of Cesar’s excess matter fur. He was finally a free pupper! After the fur situation was handled, the vet staff turned their attention to Cesar’s obvious malnutrition. They pumped him full of fluids, nutrients and medicine. All they could do after that was hope and pray for his recovery.  Thankfully, their comprehensive treatment plan worked! Cesar healed completely and was eventually adopted by a loving family who would never consider trapping him in a box. He gets free roam of the house, the yard and their hearts! Watch the video to see how a team of heroes worked to turn his life around. They deserve to be honored for their efforts! 

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