Dog in Tears After Family Leaves Him at Shelter – A Special Visitor Will Change His Life

Dog in tears after family leaves him (Video)

This video touched my heart! The Carson Shelter in California is a high-kill facility. And it was as though this dog knew it when he found himself locked inside one of its kennels, immersed in the stressed, frightened fray of dozens of other condemned dogs. He wouldn’t eat, not even treats. He just sat there sadly with a thousand-yard stare that spoke volumes to his feelings of abandonment. This dog, named Blue, had the unthinkable to happen to him: his family left him behind. Blue lived with a family in California for about a year, but when the family moved, they decided to not take Blue with them.

He was so emotional he did what anyone else would have done: break down in tears. The volunteers tried to offer him a treat or even just to smile, but he was so overwhelmed with the emotion of what was going on, all he could do was cry. Carson Shelter is a high-kill facility, so the longer Blue stayed there, the higher his chances were of being euthanized. Thankfully, volunteers from Saving Carson Shelter Dogs decided to help him by posting the video across Social media. The video was created and succeeded to gain attention in hopes that someone would take Blue home and give him a forever home! You can see from the video that these great people were just trying to lend a hand. All Blue was looking for was help and a friend to spend the rest of his life with.

“He looked very sad and depressed”

Blue ended up being best friends with Jennifer McKay. McKay would have taken Blue right away, but the shelter first needed to perform a temperament test on him. While McKay waited for the test to be done, she visited Blue again, bringing him a bone and a new doggy bed. “He looked very sad and depressed,” said McKay. “You could tell that every time someone walked by, it was like he was looking for them [the owners],” she said. “It’s like he knew he had been left there.” However when McKay visited a third time, Blue perked up and went straight to her! Watch the video to discover his incredible metamorphosis and witness all the steps of the rescue. Well this video will certainly make you love animals even more !

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