Dog Is Rescued After 9 yrs in a cage – She Tries Out a Soft Bed For The First Time

Dog finally experiences a soft bed (Video)

Puppy mills are truly disgusting places. As the name implies, they mass produce puppies by caging innocent dogs and forcing them to breed over, and over, and over. By the end of puppy mill dog’s life, they are mere shadows of the creatures they could be. Delilah is a sweet pup who was rescued from a puppy mill where she had been forced to have babies without any rest. She had never known anything good in life, until she was saved by the team at National Mill Dog Rescue.

She had spent nine years of her life stuck inside a small, metal cage – this is where Delilah slept, ate, had babies and passed the time. When rescuers found her, she had long, matted fur and was a terrified, traumatized dog. Only a few days after her arrival at the shelter, however, Delilah started to get better. She had been given a bath, a haircut and made some new friends and the sweet dog gained the confidence to trust humans again. She was adopted into a foster home where Delilah got to feel a soft bed for the first time in her life.

The dog had no idea what it was

She had no idea what it was, but when she realized that it was soft and comfortable, the pup couldn’t stop rolling around out of pure joy. Dogs like Delilah deserve a healthy life full of love. Thankfully, organizations like National Mill Dog Rescue are fighting to save these animals from a lifetime of abuse. Watch the video, her reaction says it all.

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