Dog Is Extremely JEALOUS Of New Baby. Just Look At What She Does!

Look at what she does! (Video)

Dogs are social animals and thrive on interaction. Disruptions to the pack dynamic, such as new babies and large changes in routine, can cause your dog to become jealous. You can cure dog jealousy by showing your dog that he is still a valued member of the pack. But having a newborn can be a struggle for every member of a family. It is quite an adjustment for everyone involved and as this video has proven, it can affect the pets too.

The combination of attention and mental stimulation will further demonstrate to your dog that his place in the pack is safe. This dog is really not happy with all the attention a newborn is receiving and she is making her feelings known.. It is quite obvious that the pet is upset. The mum tries to talk to Sadie, letting her know that she still loves her too but whenever it seems her focus is returning to the baby, the dog was just not having it.

The dog is upset!

The video, while adorable, has become a little bit upsetting for some viewers who saw it. A few people were worried about the dog’s behaviour and suggested that it could mean the dog will be aggressive towards the baby if they were left alone.Others argued this point saying Sadie is just acting this way because this is all new to her and after a while, she will warm up to the baby. Watch the video and come to your own conclusion.

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