Dog Leads Owner On a Dangerous and Wild Goose Chase Down The Main Road!

A dangerous and wild pursuit! (Video)

A rescue dog named Lily from the Bay of Islands has become an overnight internet sensation after her wily escape down Kawakawa’s main street – with a giant flag in tow! Lucie Green was taking the basset hound for a walk last week and posted a video of what at first seems like a normal street scene. The pair had been taking part in their morning ritual of a walk and then a stop at the bakery for a sausage for the dog. When she decided to stop at a local business, she ties her dog to an advertising flag outside the shop – not much is happening at all.

But the dog wasn’t interested in waiting to see what surprise might be in store, and suddenly, 40 seconds in, the video takes a dramatic turn. The dog a nine-year-old basset hound, manages to dislodge the Coca Cola flag and makes a run for it. Ms Green sprinted after her, but Lily sped up too and dashed out into the middle of the road in front of moving traffic. “It wasn’t until I saw the video that I realised I had charged into oncoming traffic, which is quite alarming, but I just wanted to get hold of her before someone hit her,” Ms Green said, describing the nine-year-old as a “cantankerous old lady”. 

She really couldn’t catch her!

Cars driving down the road stopped just short of hitting the pup, who then continued on its mad dash away from Ms Green. The video ends with the Lily disappearing down a side street and Ms Green in hot pursuit. Ms Green says shortly after disappearing from view the flag Lily was dragging got caught on a traffic island and Ms Green caught her. “It was actually pretty scary at the time, I was so worried she was going to get hit by a car. It wasn’t until I watched the video back that I realised I ran out into the traffic without even looking. I was so hell bent on trying to grab her,” said Ms Green. Watch the video, I’ve got to admit, for somebody with such short legs, Lily can run! 

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