Dog Left Alone By Owner Stuck In Wuhan Lockdown – Neighbour’s Idea Saves Dog’s Life

Neighbour’s idea saves dog’s life (Video)

Amidst news of people who are killing or abandoning their innocent pets due to fear of Covid-19, there are others out there who still care about these animals. A concerned neighbour saved a starving golden retriever who was trapped at home after his owner got stuck in Wuhan due to the coronavirus restrictions. He wasn’t able to make arrangements for his dog to be taken care of when he got stuck in the lockdown in Wuhan.

The golden retriever was supposedly left alone, without food, as its owner had visited Wuhan and gotten stuck there. The dog had been alone in the Guangzhou apartment for six days. She saw the dog lying on the windowsill looking hungry and sickly so she suspected that he was home alone. It would probably not have survived if it wasn’t for the neighbour who fed it. Since the apartment was locked and the neighbour couldn’t enter to feed the dog, she came up with a novel solution instead. Luckily, the kind neighbour stepped in to fulfill the feeding duties, overcoming the literal barriers with a pole. This has restored our faith in humanity! 

Neighbour fed dog through grille with pole

The poor pup named Zai Zai was definitely hungry — just watch it wolf the food down. She did this by tying sausages and bottles of water to a clothesline pole and passing them across the gap from her window so that Zai Zai could eat and drink. Luckily for the pooch, his owner managed to get in touch with the property management office and told them to open the apartment and rescue the pet. The dog was taken care of at a local pet store and the dog’s owner promised that they will bring the dog back home. Watch the video,

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