Dog Locks Eyes With Man at Airport And Freaks Out – He Sees His Owner 3 Years Later

The reaction 3 years later (Video)

We always wonder if our dogs will remember us after a long vacation or business trip, and I think this video settles that question once and for all. It’s never easy to leave our companions behind, but sometimes it’s absolutely necessary. It turns out dogs have an even better memory than we ever gave them credit for. It was the happiest moment in this dog’s life. He saw his owner for the first time in three years, and went crazy. At first, the dog just stops and stares at him.

Loud noises and commotion filled the airport, but when the dog saw his owner standing before him, their eyes met, and nothing could have possibly distracted him from running into the warm embrace of his owner and best friend. Not seeing a friend or family member in three years is extremely difficult, but this dog didn’t understand when or if his owner would ever return to him. The days went by, and the dog was still in hopes that his owner would return. He went to the airport and sniffed everything, but as soon as the scent of his owner filled his nose, all the memories flooded back, and he knew exactly who his owner was to him.

The happiest sight

Dogs are so smart and so loyal, they continue to amaze us all the time. Combine that with their memory and great sense of smell, and let’s just say they aren’t forgetting us any time soon. If there were ever a situation to truly test whether a dog could forget its owner, the one in this video is it. Dog’s don’t hold grudges, they only stay faithful, and stay by your side no matter what. That made the owner extremely happy when he saw his dog, because he missed his dog too. Watch the video, the two of them reunited was the happiest sight. The owner wrapped his arms around his dog, and his dog couldn’t even contain his excitement.

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